Soul Eater primarily revolves around students known as meisters or technicians at the Shinigami Weapon Meister Vocational School, or Shibusen for short, located in Death City, Nevada, United States. The school is run by Shinigami, the God of Death himself, as a training facility for weapons created by Shinigami and the human wielders of those weapons, the meisters. Each meister has at least one demon weapon companion which has both a weapon and human form. Shinigami created the school as an organization that enforces peace in order to prevent the rebirth of the "kishin", evil demon gods that nearly destroyed everything by plunging the world into chaos. Human souls that have become evil by straying from the path of humans have a high risk of becoming kishin, so evil humans are constantly being hunted down and killed by the students trained at Shibusen. The ultimate goal of the students with their weapons is to have their weapons defeat and eat the souls of ninety-nine evil human souls and one witch's soul which will dramatically increase the power of the given weapon and thus be capable of being used by shinigami. In order to ensure this is done in a timely manner, all students and weapons attend classes regularly and are given homework or supplementary lessons to further their training. The meisters have a rating system that goes from one to three stars which usually measures soul energy. It is important that the meister and weapon can tune their "soul wavelength" to perform high level attacks and bring out the weapon's full power.
credit to : Wikipedia
credit to : Wikipedia
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